

So the garden is coming along great. The tomatoes and the English peas have blooms on them. The potatoes plants are growing great, but I’m not quite sure when to dig them up. I dug them up a little bit last week, but they weren’t quite ready.
So digging up the potatoes made me think about the story of Lazarus, from the Gospel of John Chapter 11, verse 5. “Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard Lazarus was ill he stayed 2 days longer in the place where he was. Then after this he said to his disciples let us go to Judea again.
Jesus for some reason just waits. We know that by the time he gets to Lazarus, Lazarus is dead in the tomb and Mary and Martha think there is no hope, that if Jesus had only come sooner he would have been able to save Lazarus. But now he’s dead, he’s been in the tomb 3 days and he stinks. We know Jesus razes Lazarus from the dead. He goes and has the tomb opened and calls Lazarus out and it’s this glorious miracle.
So then I think about the stages were going to be in as we open up. I’m excited that we’re going to have drive-in church again. We are planning on having drive-in church through Mother’s Day. By then we will have more guidance from our Annual Conference on how and when to move forward with being able to have church.
I do want to think about this passage as we wrestle with wanting to get back to normal. The waiting and what seems like it’s going to be bad, isn’t necessarily going to be bad. With Jesus, Mary and Martha thinking him not coming is the worst thing. Jesus if you had just come, if we had just opened up, it would have been better. We have to remember that with God, all things are possible. With God Lazarus was raised from the dead. So hold tight, and so hold tight, lets do things prayerfully and well and safely and know that just like when those potatoes are ready to come up, I’ll get great big potatoes instead of little teeny tiny potatoes because I dug them up to early. So hold fast, and know that with God, all things are possible.

We will see you Sunday for Drive-In Church!

Grace and Peace.

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