Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

As we celebrate Palm Sunday, quarantined at home, how can you take the role of the servant, and pay attention to the least and lost around you. Maybe it’s to the people in your house. Maybe it’s like the girls drawing pictures to mail to the nursing homes. How can you take time to love God, Love others, and love yourself?

Today we celebrate Palm Sunday. Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week. To fulfill the prophets he comes in riding on a donkey. People lay cloaks and palm branches down before him. This is the most “regal” experience we see of Jesus becoming King. It’s still a humble entrance.
Even in this powerful moment, Jesus humility transcends everything. When I watch this scene unfold, I hear Jesus teaching his disciples this passage.

Mark 9:33

I love this scene. The disciples are following Jesus, and they are arguing among themselves about who is the greatest.
Jesus obviously knows this. When they get to the house in Capernaum where they were going to stay Jesus asks them what they were talking about.
They all keep silent, probably because they know they are either busted, or because they know they shouldn’t have been talking about it. I assume most of us have been in that place. Either where were asking the question that we already know the answer to, or we’re being asked and know we’re about to get in trouble.
Jesus doesn’t make them say it. Instead he gathers them around, and says, “If you want to be first, you must be last, and servant of all.
Then he takes a kid in his arms and continues. If you receive a child, in my name, you receive me, not just me, but God.
At one point in the scripture, the disciples try and keep the kids away from Jesus because they aren’t “important” enough.

We often strive after prestige, power, importance, influence. But instead we should strive for serving others, lifting others up, paying attention to the least of these among us.
As we celebrate Palm Sunday, quarantined at home, how can you take the role of the servant, and pay attention to the least and lost around you. Maybe it’s to the people in your house. Maybe it’s like the girls drawing pictures to mail to the nursing homes. How can you take time to love God, Love others, and love yourself?

Let’s Pray:
God we confess that we often have feelings of pride and selfishness. We want to be liked, we want others to think highly of us. We want to be important. As we celebrate Palm Sunday, and your becoming King, help us to follow your example and take the role of the servant. Amen.

Grace and Peace

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