Just a Little Faith

Just a Little Faith

Faith is the belief that God is who the Bible tells us he is, and that if I answer Jesus’ call to “Come, Follow me, and be a fishermen, I mean fisher of people.” I will be joining God in the grand plan to help the whole world come back into a relationship with God.

Faith is an interesting way of living.
For me faith in God is a belief that God is the creator, redeemer and sustainer that I read about in the Bible.

Faith is believing that God has a plan for me, and for all humanity, and that I need to do my part.

Faith is also the practice of trusting in God, and doing my best to obey God everyday.

One of the reasons I love the Old Testament is because its full of stories of people who put their faith in God. People like Noah who obeyed God and built the ark to save his family from the flood.

Think about Abraham who left his country for a new land God promised to him. Isaac and Jacob who were heirs of the same promise, and then it was something that didn’t come to pass in their lifetime. Not because they disobeyed, but because sometimes God’s plans take longer than a generation or two.

Think about Moses obeying God speaking in the burning bush, returning to Egpyt, holding passover, parting the red sea..

Think about Joshua marching around Jericho for 7 days, shouting and watching the walls come falling down.

There are so many more. God’s instructions don’t always seem logical, like using what seems like like kid craft project stuff to catch fish. Faith is the belief that if we follow God, and do what he tells us to, in the end we can look back and see how God worked in and through us. In the end we will start to see a little more of the big picture that God is working on.

Faith is the belief that God is who the Bible tells us he is, and that if I answer Jesus’ call to “Come, Follow me, and be a fishermen, I mean fisher of people.” I will be joining God in the grand plan to help the whole world come back into a relationship with God.

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