Peace through Faith

Peace through Faith

When we can be at peace in the shade of God’s love we find pure peace because we know the Holy Spirit is with us. We can face the future unafraid because we know that even our sufferings can make us stronger. We know God loves us no matter what and that God can use all things to his glory.

Peace can be a funny thing. Being at peace doesn’t mean you’re apathetic about what is going on. Peace isn’t something that should only come when everything in life is good. True peace doesn’t come because we are well trained and equipped.

In the book of Romans Paul says “we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

I’ve had some “sufferings” that nearly did me in. Hindsight is 20/20 right? Moving through a tough job and hard relationships I can see the process of suffering to endurance, to character, to hope, to no shame because of God’s love.

I love being able to sit in the shade and cool off when it’s hot outside. This is what I think it’s like with God’s love washing over us. When we can be at peace in the shade of God’s love we find pure peace because we know the Holy Spirit is with us. We can face the future unafraid because we know that even our sufferings can make us stronger. We know God loves us no matter what and that God can use all things to his glory.

I don’t think I’ll ever like my sufferings, but I know I can be at peace in the middle of them because I know I’m soaking in the love of God. God Bless.

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