What is Church? Apostles’ Teaching

What is Church? Apostles’ Teaching

There is huge part that is an ongoing, growing, learning relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. I can’t explain that in a short video. For that, you’ll have to come to church this Sunday. What do you need to do to start devoting yourself to the Apostles’ teaching? It’s a life-long process. What’s your next step?

What should “the church” look like? Acts 2:42-47 gives us key characteristics of the church. They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowship, breaking bread and prayer. They shared what they had with each other, worshiped together, practiced hospitality and had glad and generous hearts.

The first thing is usually the most important, and here its that they devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching.
My initial reaction is that they spent time listening to the Apostles preach. So.... maybe this just means y'all should go to church and listen to the preacher!

While, true, it’ll also include really reading your Bible. Learn what the Apostles taught, straight from them. Don’t just get the preacher’s thoughts, read and listen to the Holy Spirit speak as you read.

But I think it goes far beyond just “knowing” more about what the apostles taught about Jesus. Everything I know calls me to action. To do or to be, or both.

John Wesley said, “Read the Bible and use it immediately”
Being devoted to the Apostles’ teachings also includes a life of doing and being, not just learning.

There is huge part that is an ongoing, growing, learning relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. I can’t explain that in a short video. For that, you’ll have to come to church this Sunday.

What do you need to do to start devoting yourself to the Apostles’ teaching? It’s a life-long process. What’s your next step? God Bless.

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