What is Church?

What is Church?

Churches can be like tribes too. Can we really let The church be a real “nation,” a real community, and not just an idea we assent to or a place we go. Can it be a real family. People we grow, struggle and share with? People we do life with?

What community do you identify yourself with?

Think about nations. Are you an American?
Advertisers talk about being a part of a tribe. Do you belong to the Coke or Pepsi tribe? The Apple or android tribe? Chic-fil-a or anything else?

Football season is upon us. Are you a part of Bulldog nation, or do you put GATA on everything?

Community is interesting. I can be in a stadium with bunch of other fans of my team, and while I’ll high 5 the stranger next to me when we score, we’re not generally going to sit down and talk about our personal struggles.

Churches can be like tribes too. Can we really let The church be a real “nation,” a real community, and not just an idea we assent to or a place we go.
Can it be a real family. People we grow, struggle and share with? People we do life with?

The Book of acts helps us see what the church was about. Things like prayer, fellowship, devoting themselves to the apostles teachings, breaking bread in each other’s homes, doing life together and sharing the good news. What does it mean to you to be a part of the Christian Kingdom, the Church, the Body of Christ, the family of God?

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