Planting Seed Differently

Planting Seed Differently

When my girls were little and said, “I can’t.” We tried to teach them Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We are being faced with a lot of “can’ts” right now. One of the great things I have learned walking with God, is that our obstacles are simply opportunities for God to show off. None of this is a surprise to God, our job is to pray and find the path through it.

When my girls were little and said, “I can’t.” We tried to teach them Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” We are being faced with a lot of “can’ts” right now. One of the great things I have learned walking with God, is that our obstacles are simply opportunities for God to show off. None of this is a surprise to God, our job is to pray and find the path through it.

We get the immense joy of learning how to BE the church a little differently. The global church thrives when it faces persecution. Now, I’m not saying we are facing government persecution because of not being able to meet, but in a sense the same dynamic is at play. We have the great opportunity to get to what matters most. The early church spread in part because people shared their faith with one another. 1 John 1 says essentially, we are sharing with you what we have heard, seen and touched concerning Jesus. People sharing with others how they have encountered Jesus.

One of the things I value most about talking with other people is hearing their stories of faith. How they have experienced and encountered God, and what God has done in their lives. With this in mind, I really want to take some of this time to compile video testimonies from you that we can share online. How cool would it be to use this time to actually get to know our church family more by sharing our faith together.

I’m going to share two devotional videos each week, but it would be great to hear from y'all too. This isn’t a time to give into fear, but to pray and seek God’s direction on how we can use these circumstances to BE the church a little differently. Message me if you’d like to make a video and we can get it worked out. I posted on the church’s facebook page earlier today with a list of questions you could answer. I’m excited about the possibilities.

Let me pray for us.

God, first we lift up those suffering, either because of sickness, or the implications of all the safety precautions. Provide for us, and help us to be people full of grace and compassion for one another. We have no idea what is ahead. We know you will be with us and will guide us if we choose to follow you. God help us to find peace and hope in you and to not give into fear. Help is to see the great possibilities you have for your church in this time. Amen.

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