Faith in the Promise

Faith in the Promise

Even when it looks like there is no hope, you can hope in Jesus. The one who calms the storms, the one with whom, all things are possible.

Promises. It seems like we can’t put much trust in a promise anymore. When promises are broken it becomes harder to trust anyone.

God’s promises in scripture always come to pass.
The first guy God made a covenant with, a binding promise, was Abraham. God told Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. The only problem was, Abraham got to be a VERY old man and had not had any children.

He believed against hope that what God had said would come true. Nothing made him waiver, he was fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised. And now, one of the ways we know God is, “the God of Abraham, Isaac (his son) and Jacob (his grandson).”

When the Apostle Paul is talking about this in the book of Romans, he says god is the one who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.

I have found this to be very true. No matter what is going on, God knows, and God has a way through. It happens often. God makes a way when I don’t see it. My problems have become an opportunity for God to show me how awesome he is.

God has promised to always be with us, to always love us, and that he has a plan for our lives. If we choose to answer Jesus’ call to “Come, Follow me” he promises to bring us to heaven. God leads us into the life he has for us. He will never break those promises with us. Do you have faith to trust him?

Even when it looks like there is no hope, you can hope in Jesus. The one who calms the storms, the one with whom, all things are possible.
God Bless.

Even when it looks like there is no hope, you can hope in Jesus. The one who calms the storms, the one with whom, all things are possible.

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